Tuesday, February 26, 2013

tuesday tune: "before my time" & the oscars

Happy snowy Tuesday! Did you watch the Oscars? Did you fall in love with Jennifer Lawrence like I did when she fell up the stairs? I love that she doesn't take herself so seriously (if you ask me - which you didn't - Anne Hathway needs to take note...). And what was with Kristen Stewart? Man did she ever look rough. Ugh. Anyways there is so much more to discuss, but since it's already been two days you are probably over it so I won't bore you. 

I did however love the clip of the song "Before My Time" from the documentary Chasing Ice that was up for best original song, sung by Scarlett Johansson in her deep sultry voice. Such a pretty/sad song with music and lyrics by J. Ralph. 

And now after the beautiful depressing song something to cheer you up, in case you haven't seen it Jennifer Lawrence's press conference post-Oscars:

And getting hit on by Jack Nicholson: 

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